Disaster Preparedness: Emergency Physicians Respond to the Call


By Dr. Nicholas Kman @DrNickKman, OSU EM Associate Professor and Medical Student Clerkship Director // Editor Dr. Michael Barrie @MikeBarrieMD, OSU EM Assistant Professor

I was sitting in the study lounge at the Ohio State University College of Medicine in between lectures on September 11, 2001.  Knee-deep in my second year of medical school, I could clearly remember dreading going back into the lecture hall to hear another stimulating hour on Aspergillosis.  Then, Wolf Blitzer or Anderson Russell or some other CNN anchor, broke in with terrible news.

Two planes had crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center.  Later that day, we learned of the news that another plane had struck The Pentagon while yet another crashed on its way to Washington.  I remember my disbelief and strong desire to help.

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